Porites are a Genus of small polyp stony corals (SPS) that are somewhat uncommon to the reef aquarium hobby. Most of the time they grow finger-like structures from a massive encrusting base and come in a variety of colors. Porites are rarely known by their common name “jewel coral.” For some corals, their scientific name tends to stick. Please see below for additional care tips for Porites.
Indo-Pacific – Islands of the Indo-Pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef.
Porites are commonly found in very shallow water and enjoy intense lighting. Use either Metal Halide lighting or a large bank of high output fluorescent or full-spectrum LED’s. We keep ours in about 200-PAR however it is not out of the realm of possibility that the shallow water varieties receive over 1000-PAR.
Low Light
Low light translates to about 30-50 PAR
Medium Light
Medium Light is between 50-150 PAR
High Light
High Light is anything over 150 PAR
Lighting is a loaded topic, so for a more in-depth discussion of lighting.
Strong water movement is recommended. Porites tend to grow in shallow, high wave activity locations on the reef.
Porites are not well known for their appetite however large colonies frequently house Christmas tree worms that are beautiful filter feeders. Regular addition of phytoplankton and smaller zooplankton may be beneficial to both these worms and the coral.

This genus for the most part has been propagated extensively in captivity and is an excellent candidate for aquaculture.
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